List of various open source contributions I've been making.

Godot Engine
  • Added clarification for a method description on the docs. (Link)
  • Updated a link for one of the demo projects. (Link)
  • Confirmed an issue is reproducible in the official build but not in the custom build based off of the latest version of the master branch. (Link)
Godot Vim Plugin
  • Fixed typos in some variable names in the Godot-Vim plugin. (Link)
Libre Aim
  • Updated the health bar in libre-aim project to use a progress bar instead of a literal plane mesh. (Link)
  • Refactored code to follow Godot style guide for an open source project made with Godot. (Link)
  • Helped refactor code by moving a function to a new file and update related references. (Link)
  • I opened an issue about a feature that addresses a frustration, this spun off some discussion among community members. (Link)
  • Added GDScript support to a Rust based command line tool that counts how many lines of code there are in a project. (Link)
Insult Reminders
  • I moved their data to a json file and have the script fetch from there. (Link)